Wednesday, April 30, 2014


Why do I get more mean messages when someone decides I was bad and like it doesn't matter cuz it could happen anyway, being mad at me for something?


I am nice but don't have anything nice to say.


I think Ellen is something that other people win.

So, what?

Does Ellen get to trust her Mama?

Guess what else..

..My Facebook is slow.  Haven't been on much lately.  It's stuck.  What if Ellen did it?  Who cares, someone did.


What a turn of feelings.  All for Ellen?  These people were nice before.  You're all sneaky racists.  You're taking advantage of knowing my race when you have no right to you liars.

Did Ellen do it?  She can't keep attacking me!


All these people upset over Bella Thorne cuz she's not the only person in the world.  Meaning I am wild and crazy, too, not just Bella Thorne.  Everyone's having an inner fit over the meaning of her.  No offense.  It is a bit weird..


Everyone's being mean to me for Ellen!!


Yes, but they probably don't sing as much. They must need to eat well, too. They're cute now, hopefully will mature the right way.


That's not me.

That's not what it would be like with me watching or being on "The Ellen DeGeneres Show."


Why when I just wonder if something is okay to I get a negative message from someone random..?  Then, it just goes on like that, I wonder if something is okay and they snap back like I hurt them?

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Being Mean Since
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Why I Was Still Mad


may or may not post

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I was mad getting out the cake and it like ripped the skin under my nail and nail polish it seems.


Why is Ellen experimenting hurting me?


You're not perfect. You won't sit here and dissect what I said that you want addressed to me.  Yet, you pester me still.  I was just mad, I wasn't "doing" anything.  I don't like getting mad.  Well, I would, but people get mad back.  I dunno, if I were mad that means there's something specific in my life I'm doing wrong, unless I'm being hurt in some way.

No one cares

about my old best friends.  They are bad people.  TLDR
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6:33 PM
Coach: Thanks for chatting with us ... what is going on that we might help you with?
6:33 PM
Christina Barrett: I'm really sensitive to noise and avoid my family when possible though chose to live at home with them, mostly for the relationship. When something is upsetting..
6:34 PM
Christina Barrett: ..or even when nothing has happened, they start making annoying noises and it constantly irritates me and I have to eventually leave the room.
6:34 PM
Christina Barrett: Also, my mom wants me on pyshicatric meds until I leave home, but my psychiatrist said I could find another psychiatrist to get me off the meds.
6:35 PM
Christina Barrett: I don't think I need them, and they make me tired.
6:35 PM
Christina Barrett: and fat.


Let's turn around..

..seeing people get stimulated can upset me if I never get to have any fun.

Say something good.  You.

May I ask

your opinion of Ellen before?

There is no "best person in the world."

I'd say Ellen is a liar because she stimulates herself.  I'm reporting, not insulting.  I don't even have to say that.

If Ellen gets to be stimulated like it's okay, then so do we.

Do you know a pretty little liar?

Do you find everything you have a problem with is because of something they do?

Do you feel punished for reveling in gratification that you're nicer than someone?

Crime Prevention

Should we keep people from getting mad or practice making them mad to get it out?

What It Is

Can I just say how mad I am Ellen treats me like I'm too old to be her kid?  I'm not saying I have to be her kid, I'd say, or else I'd go wild.  I don't think it's right if that's why she wouldn't treat me a certain way, because of what I just said!  Can you even explain why that would make sense to anyone?  No.  She knows that.

Even if I were too old, I wouldn't care about those who weren't.


I always try to be nice, but people say it doesn't matter.


Who wants to waste time arguing?


Why should I act like Ellen respects me?  If she likes me a lot, does that mean what she does is respectful?  No, she just wishes she were popular, to be popular.

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I will not listen

to this nonsense in the media.  Like go do it to yourself instead.
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Even if..

..I break away from Twitter, I will still be an ardent blogger who takes comments.


You don't go ruin the life of someone else.


Ellen won't do me a nice response if anyone is REALLY being mean to me but acting coy.  So, someone is mean to me, and I just address it nicely and she's off being nice.  You know it doesn't matter, but I can still talk about it.  It doesn't matter in that it's just saying hey don't get mad at me, Christina did it.

Talk more.

Bella could talk more.  Such a shame to see people sit there and just not talk.  Try doing a vlog.



Rapists who kill their victims.  It seems to be prevalent.  It is even more with people who know each other already.


You could do "things" by mistake, like what you say.

IMDb - The Soapbox

Why don't they try to give the people in prison medicine cuz they are human? They need it to be a good facility because it's cruel and unusual punishment to lock them up for life, even though they should be because of them committing it again. If it's stealing might not be dangerous. Some people are psychotic. People with schizophrenia are mean, like me.. and we don't knot what we do cuz we think it's cute to have bipolar.

IMDb - The Soapbox

I just watched a case that went on from 1986 to at least 2008. A guy set up a birthday party and sent his son away and raped a killed a girl. 

The mother seems to think it's the big sister's fault for setting her younger sister astray, and it totally clicked, though I don't think she's really just a bad girl.

IMDb - The Soapbox


I've been watching about people who go to prison, and I feel so sorry for the victims now, as well. How can we prevent these things? You have people who know people.. who knows what could come over them.. You have people who attack at random, which I'm not sure the nature of the likelihood of it compared to the 1st reason I listed. Just know there's no point in ruining the life of someone. It might be what it's like to make someone hurt emotionally. They might want the gratification of hurting them more than their freedom.. 




I mean she is the opposite of supportive, she doesn't want anyone to feel they even support themselves!  Now, is that saying she ^did something^?


You know, Ellen DeGeneres has to follow that status quo when meeting someone who likes her a lot who is Asian, by denying them as much respect as others get.


Ellen DeGeneres opposes being supportive.

Also, I don't know why she's acting like we're not as good as her.  She just plays games.

You all want me to become fascinated with her above me, but it isn't true.

My Opinion

Ellen DeGeneres feels it's right to rub in that I do things wrong, but she's just trying to make herself feel good, no offense.  I have no clue for sure of what she does and what others do.  Lots of people "cancel" things when people are mad at me being upset!  They rub in funny feelings with things like that.  Care to explain??  All I get in the end is people not liking this..  I guess there can be a point to it, but it's too bad we ended up doing that..  The point doesn't seem to make sense for them, though, and seems a bit personal, as well.  Care to explain what I do that is worse than what others do?